Seeking The Lord in 2018 (Psalm 34)


As an educator, I discovered that each of my students learns differently. Some learn best by hearing, some by seeing, and some by doing. Not only that, students process what they see, hear, or experience differently. A student may be considered an “abstract/random” thinker (the proverbial “out of the box” thinker) or a “concrete/sequential” thinker (like the mathematical prodigy or scientific genius). Most students, however, fall somewhere in between these analyses.

Despite the different ways people think and learn, Scripture indicates that God is a God of order. Paul writes about this attribute as it relates to the appropriate use of spiritual gifts in the church, “let all things be done decently and in order” (I Corinthians 14:40).

There is something to be said for order and consistency in our daily Scripture reading, no matter what our personalities or learning styles or spiritual gifts. We need an anchor, a methodology, if you will, in our study of Scripture. When we consistently, systematically study the Bible, we not only get the full context, we also sense the wonder and assurance that God is intimately involved in our day-to-day lives.

Often, I write out a short prayer before I begin reading. Usually it is an expression of my emotions, my burdens, or my concerns for the day. As I lay these things before the Lord, I can clear my mind and open my heart to “hear” the Word and accept what the Lord wants to teach me. Then, I open my Bible, and the Lord speaks to me through whatever passage I am studying that day.

This morning, I wrote about my fear. “I am terrified…” regarding some uncertainties in my life. My reading was in Psalm 34. God’s response to my prayer was in verse four. “I sought the Lord and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” In this verse, my specific emotions were addressed. As I continued reading, the Lord reminded me of where my focus should be. Instead of living in fear, I should be looking to Him, seeking Him in all circumstances. In verse nine we read, “O fear the Lord, you His saints; for to those who fear Him, there is no want.” When we fear the Lord properly, He will take care of the human fears, because of Who He is. When we seek Him (instead of seeking to figure it all out), He promises that we will “not be in want of any good thing.” (vs. 10)

Oswald Chambers wrote in his famous classic, My Utmost for His Highest, “The remarkable thing about God is that when you fear God, you fear nothing else” at all. In this new year, no matter what your personality or learning style, no matter what fears you face, may you commit to consistently reading the Word of God, seeking the Lord, learning to fear Him, and finding that He is the good and perfect Father Who cares for you!

Written by Kim Olachea: Kim Olachea has been a pastor’s wife for 35 years. In 2017, she launched a new ministry for pastor’s wives, Pastor’s Wives, EveryDay Lives, and is the founder of ProverbWise. Kim and her husband, Joe, live in Medford, NJ, and have five adult children and seven grandchildren.

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